skima|works seeks to engage with space, art, and movement, and their inbetween, with curiosity
and questions. skima|works is set up by takako hasegawa, hoping to find her own space.
skima|works seeks to engage with space, art, and movement, and their inbetween, with curiosity
and questions. skima|works is set up by takako hasegawa, hoping to find her own space.
is schema :an organised pattern of thought or behaviour, a framework of ideas and our mind. schema influences perception and the absorption of the world around us. is ma :a japanese word meaning space inbetween, of objects, of space, of time; that is intangible yet critical for the whole. is skima :a japanese word meaning a gap, a niche; to fill with new ideas. |
//////////////what i do//////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ fascinated by the shared territory between architecture and contemporary dance / performing arts, skima's research focuses on choreography and the shifting (and sometimes emotional) experiences that it creates in the context of architecture and art. obsessed with the unseen and unconscious systems of the city and its people, the projects decode and expose the anatomy and stories of ordinary and everyday. takako's photographic work captures fluid moments framed by architecture and everyday banal. //////////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\brief bio\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
takako was born in tokyo, japan, educated at the architectural association in london where she is since based. she is studio master at the aa foundation course, runs a design studio at chelsea college of art & design. she has exhibited her work in various places both in london and germany, also in morocco. takako has experience in cultural and public architectural projects mainly theatres and art galleries whilst working in several architectural practices. //////////////////////////////////////////\\//////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\////////////////// |